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Sun Safety at Sequoyah Elementary School

Sunscreen and sun protection are very important for children and adolescents. Skin cancer is becoming more common in young people and protecting children's skin from too much exposure to the sun can greatly reduce this risk. Each school day when the weather cooperates, over 5oo students and staff spend three hours on the playground for recess. Students and counselors attending Kid's Place (Sequoyah's after school care program) spend an additional three hours on the playground, and over any given weekend, the playground is open for neighborhood families to enjoy at their leisure.


Providing some relief from the sun in the form of two shade structures, one an 18'x18' covering over the raised mulch bed and the other a 24'x24' covering over the Gaga pit and adjoining grassy area, seemed like a no brainer to help ensure the safety of our beloved students, staff and neighbors.


Will you join us in this effort to create more safety in the sun at Sequoyah Elementary School? Easy and secure online donations can be made here or if you are interested in becoming a Spectrum Sponsor, please contact Lisa Krajewski at All donors who support this effort with a donation of $1,000+ will receive recognition on a playground plaque.


Sample shade structure pictured above. 900 square feet of shade is planned for installation in spring 2023.


FALL 2022

NOV | DEC 2022

JAN | FEB | MAR 2023

MAY 2023

A need for a safer playground experience with increased shade was identified and multiple School Support Organizations (SSOs) volunteered to assist with fundraising efforts and financial support. These SSOs are:

  • Sequoyah Elementary Foundation (SEF)

  • Sequoyah Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (SESPTO)

  • Kid's Place at Sequoyah

A committee with members from each SSO was formed to put an action plan together. Equipment and installation quotes were collected from Knox County School's preferred vendors. Initial funding was secured from the SEF to ensure the project timeline could move forward in a timely manner. Request for project approval was presented to the school board.

​School board approval was received, and fundraising efforts went underway! Installation was scheduled in the spring or summer of 2023, followed by a recognition opportunity for donors.
Shade structures were installed on the playground!

942 Southgate Rd SW, Knoxville, TN 37919

Contact us: (865) 594-1360

©2023 by Sequoyah Elementary Foundation. Proudly created with

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